The ipnerds admin team has sent us the following message in regards to the recent server crashes.
We aren't sure if this should be made public info, but have decided to be as transparent as possible:
"Here's update of what been going on
Hopefully we finally got it everything looked good on our end but still random crashes and minor issues. After we battled it out with the Datacenter they decided to look at every piece of hardware they say they found a faulty drive. They replaced and since then we have been up. Only time will tell if this was the culprit. We pay them over 30k a month and bring them lots of business so hopefully they really did everything and didn’t stop after finding this one issue. You all should notice faster Zap times the channel is almost instant on responding when surfing. All we can do is keep an eye on things and prey Spectrum don’t start their shit today but to be safe have a vpn ready. Ty for your patience."
Saturday, September 17, 2022
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